16 March 2009

Marching in like a lion? or mongoose? maybe a kangaroo with a.d.d?

Saturday night, Michelle and I went dancing; we had a great time and when we got home at about 2:30am it was a balmy 40° and a bit breezy. Imagine what came out of my mouth (something along the lines of "oh shit it snowed") when I got up about 6 hours later and looked outside. We had these giant palm sized snowflakes falling, it was really cool.

At some point these will bloom and be daffodils, not today.

Finally, I just sat and watched it snow for awhile, this should end soon, supposedly spring is coming.
Later in the afternoon the wind kicked up and the power went out; we sat in the living room looking out this window and watched it snow, rain, hail, blow and sunshine all in the space of half an hour. What a wild, wacky weather day!

1 comment:

lynette said...

Sheer and utter insanity, I tell ya!